Saturday, August 29, 2009


OK, I have not written about this yet, but I suppose it's time to record my new diet in this blog. Over the last month I have completely overhauled my eating habits. I would say about 95% if my diet now consists of raw veggies, fruit, whole grains, and nuts. On very little occasion for a treat I will eat a little chicken or a snack make from milk products. I now am making most of my food from scratch as to avoid preservatives, oils, and of course the most deadly of them all...fructose...and I have given up Diet Coke and Iced Tea (except for the occasion) and substituted it with water.

It all started with me watching this video from the book "RAVE Diet & Lifestyle", and since then watching lectures from doctors at various Universities around the country, primarily those dealing with obese children. By the way, I have learned why there are so many obese 6 month old these days. Formula is typically 40% fructose and 10% sucrose. A regular coke is about 10% fructose, so we are feeding our infants 5X the amount of poison which our body does NOT metabolize the same as lactose (mommies milk).

I have to tell you, that I feel the best I ever have in a long time. I can't say I have more energy, I think only sleep could do that. However, I feel happy, almost sickly happy. Sometimes I laugh at work for no reason and it scares me. And the greatest thing, is that I don't have to count calories anymore. There is an even better place in my diet I would like to be but given that I have young children and a full time job, I don't have the time I would like to prepare food. However, I do the best I can.

The children don't always eat what I do, nor does my husband. The children do not like my homemade french fries with the skin on made from organic potatoes, so I have tried removing the skin, baking it longer, making the fries thinner, still no luck. Personally, I love them, but it will take awhile for the family to get on board. Although, some things like my salsa make from scratch tastes better then anything store bought. And of course, Costco is now my friend, when you eat so much fruit and veggies you can actually buy the Costco size at a cheap price and finish it before it goes bad.

The best thing also, is that there are a few of us at work, eating the same way, so we potluck lunch 3 times a week and encourage each other while helping out with new healthy food ideas that taste good.

I don't know how to fight the health care situation here anymore, except that I will try to do my part by not getting sick and keep the health system clear for those that need it.

Ant Update

Well, Colton has finally recovered from the ants, he still has little marks over his feet and legs so I will try to see what I can do about preventing scarring. We decided to have some professionals come in and spray the house "organic and not a pesticide" inside and out. I am unsure about the true nature of something not being a pesticide and still killing bugs, yet being safe for children but I decided we needed some help.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


We just had a nightmare of an evening. Fire ants somehow got into the side of our back door and built a nest. Then out of nowhere when my son went outside, then attacked him. We didn't know about the was like they came out of nowhere. Luckily I caught my son as his legs where getting covered with ants. He sustained about 50 bites. I have him on an antihistamine (precaution) and topical relief and he seems to be fine. Poor little man, he's only 17 months old!

And me, I only got one bite while I was taking the ants off him. But the one bite caused me to swell up like crazy...more antihistamine. I feel like such a wimp compared to him, but I am the one that started with the allergic reaction on one bite!

Ugh..and later that same evening I dropped a power block on my toe and I think it's broken, it's swelling up too and I can't move it. It is finally time for this day to be over!! I got so stressed out, I started eating a ton of chocolate...

Lay Off

Our work has been going through sets of lay offs due to the economy so it has been a little tough for everyone lately. My husband and I work at the same company so of course, we have a little more to think about. Although it appears both our jobs are secure for now, it is still hard when we are friends with co-workers and know their situations, and then to see them get laid off. The last one that really bothered me was this man who just turned 60. The day after his birthday party work, he was laid off. He was an incredible man and good Christian. From what we are told his wife had medical issues (serious) and he was the only income earner for the family. I know many people in Texas are going though the same situation. (I received a letter from Kay Bailey Hutchison (Congress) who replied to one of my emails. Kay stated one in four Texans is without health insurace, higher then the national average.) I can only pray for this man in hopes he gets a job before his Cobra runs out and his wife is denied care due to lack of medical insurance. I was told by coworkers the director who laid him off said "It was nothing personal, but just business.". I think I realized then I could never be management because I could never lay someone off and walk away from it without a concisous, knowing that I could be literally giving them a death sentence. I know that may sound like an exaggeration, but it's kind of true, and if one person (family member or other) died because of my actions, I am unsure if I could ever forgive myself (even if God would). I would have to lay myself off first. So I guess I'm doomed to be a bottom feeder, but at least I can sleep at night.