Monday, March 23, 2009

The Doctor's Diagnosis

We found out today, Colton has an ear infection in both ears. This is his first one since he's been born. I actually thought we were going to get away with no ear infections. The clogging of his ears was causing drainage to his throat which was causing him to cough.

Farrah has been unaffected, she has a ton of energy, so much energy, it's getting hard to contain. She never sleeps...or so it seems. We put her to bed at 8:00 and she lies in bed until 9 or 10 wide awake. She gets up around 6:15 for daycare. I've tried putting her to bed later, but nothing works. Since she was a baby, she has never needed sleep. It's hard to explain, she can just keep going and going like an energizer bunny. Farrah is up now, eyes wide open, lying down waiting for sleep to come. What I would give for a little extra sleep here an there.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Colton. I used to get earaches all the time as a child, and STILL remember the pain. HEY! What was your childhood remedy for that?
