Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Farrah's Sick Today

Today as I was driving to work I received a call from Farrah's day care. She was running a fever so we drove back home and I picked her up from school. She does not look sick at all, but I heard from one of the mom's a strange high fever is going around with no other symptoms. She said it will last about 2 days then go away. So today, Farrah and I are spending the day together. So far she has watched "Mickey Mouse" reruns and finger painted.

I think we will run to the post office later today, I am long overdue to send out some surprise gifts to people I know. Usually these are clothes I have been donated to from other families. I have a pile to sort and mail. Thankfully my husband is being patient with the mess of donations since he is hard core anti-clutter. My daughter was excited to help in spite of her odd fever.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you both ended up enjoying a day together, though. Hope you don't get it, either!
