Sunday, March 29, 2009

Farrah's Creative Play

I was amused today as I looked over at Farrah and she had taken the free newspaper we received today, spread the sheets out around the family room, and marched on them making a loud noise. Colton laughing, started to imitate her marching on them as they laughed together. My first thought, was, isn't newspaper ink bad for them? Then I thought, well, for a little while they can have fun. However, I have noticed Farrah has become really good with pretend and made up play lately, especially when it comes to involving her little brother. Our children have toys, but we have tried to limit what we buy the kids, most of the toys just sit in their toy box. I felt encouraged today, that our ideas were working, the children were developing an ability to make fun out of simple things and enjoy them.

Colton, Fever, Food

Colton is still not eating well, we have managed to get him to take down a significant amount of milk with rice cereal. I think he is thinning out a little, but he is walking everywhere. Hopefully this is just more of his natural baby weight coming off. I have stopped worrying about the fact he cannot chew food, we offer him table food, but he just spits it out. The doctor said by giving him OT too early, she feels it could cause more issues then anything forcing him to eat in a way he doesn't want to. So, we continue to buy baby food, level 2. He does love his yogurt everyday, just need to make sure we buy the highest calories possible.

A little humour...Yesterday I broke down and bought myself 3 new pants. It's not something I wanted to do, but I am running out of options. I recently lost 18 lbs in January and February and went from a size 10 long to a size 4 long. It was hard work, and I was angry/hungry for 2 months. I do feel healthier now, I have very small bones, so I have a lot more energy. However, try finding a size 4 long at the goodwill. I have been looking for a month. At work I was trying to make due with the larger sizes and hold up my pants while I was walking. I suppose I need to learn how to sew belt loops or something, but then who has the time working 55 hours a week with a 3 and 1 yr old. So, everyone has had it with me, holding up my pants, talking about the Goodwill and how I refuse to buy myself a new pair of pants. I finally gave in.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Gibber

Farrah and I spent some time trying out YOGA today. She is quite good at the moves, better then me I suppose.

Colton on the other hand, is still struggling with teething. He is getting short spikes of fevers that go away, he is also much more cranky. Poor little man.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Colton is Eating Again

Colton is feeling better, he ate like a horse today. We went to Colter's BBQ as a treat since we had a buy one get one free meal. Colton loves the buns!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disturbing and Sad

Colton did not eat a lot today, probably due to his ear infections. Hopefully he will do better tomorrow. My husband had a lot of ear infections. I certainly hope this is just a co-incidence. The doctor said he had better drainage tubes then Farrah. I was hoping he had my ears.

So the title says disturbing and sad, yes it was a disturbing day. I don't know how else to make it sound good but here is what happened. Today a guy hung himself outside of our work in the park beside our building. Some people noticed around 8:00a.m. that he was there. There were police but they didn't move him until the coroner came at 10:30. We don't think we know who is is, but I am sure we will find out soon, although I do not think it is anyone from work. Please pray for this family and friends.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Doctor's Diagnosis

We found out today, Colton has an ear infection in both ears. This is his first one since he's been born. I actually thought we were going to get away with no ear infections. The clogging of his ears was causing drainage to his throat which was causing him to cough.

Farrah has been unaffected, she has a ton of energy, so much energy, it's getting hard to contain. She never sleeps...or so it seems. We put her to bed at 8:00 and she lies in bed until 9 or 10 wide awake. She gets up around 6:15 for daycare. I've tried putting her to bed later, but nothing works. Since she was a baby, she has never needed sleep. It's hard to explain, she can just keep going and going like an energizer bunny. Farrah is up now, eyes wide open, lying down waiting for sleep to come. What I would give for a little extra sleep here an there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Colton's Little Cough

Poor little Colton has had a bad cough all weekend. It seems to be getting a bit worse so daddy is going to take him the doctor tomorrow, just in case. Also because he will stay home with Colton so he can get the TLC he wouldn't get at the daycare.

It was a busy weekend, my husband painted his shed, and then the garage floor. It looks really good except, we didn't really get very much else done and by the end of the weekend, I was exhausted. I had been up at night listening to Colton cough, worrying about him. (As mother's do.)

Farrah and I talked about donating to the SPCA this weekend, so we donated a quick $25.00. It's not my style of donation to just go monetary, but it's something we do once in awhile. Farrah was excited to know we were giving money to help feed 8 dogs for one day. Now daddy did throw out all her markers this weekend as a point because she wouldn't pick them up. I rummaged through the garbage and took the good ones so I could either mail them to people with children, or to give them to her Godmother for when she comes over. They were expensive Crayola markers her Godmother & Godfather gave to her for Chistmas.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Finally It's Friday

Another busy day at work, and it's finally the weekend. I just realized I forgot to send in my weekly report. I think that counts against me during raise time..opps. It will be another weekend of working. At the rate of my OT, I don't see an end in sight. I am thinking maybe at the end of 2009? Thankfully I am getting some of the OT paid, so we are paying down our second mortgage. Either way, I try to be as diligent and productive I can at work. I remember reading in Proverbs about it years ago.

Colton was crabby all evening, I think his molar's are coming in. Poor little man, he's finally asleep. No worries Mom, he is eating "ok". I think he's actually starting to pork up again.

So the big talk today at work was about the taxation on the executive bonuses. Most people at work were really happy with the bill. I mean some said that AIG should not have gotten the bailout money to begin with and of course blame Obama for the recession. Whatever!? The odd person felt the government was trying to take down the rich people. ?? What is with that? And others say the non wealthy have already lost the war of class welfare, there are tens of millions of people in this country without health care. I don't know the truth, but I do know one thing, they will all be held accountable. I think we can only continue to do what we know is right, continue to be the loving Christians we are, helping people, and putting God first.

Colton and His Night Terrors

Colton sometimes gets up in the middle of the night screaming. It's a odd scream like he's being attacked or is hurting really bad. Wednesday night, was on of those nights. We usually can't wake him up from his he's sleeping the entire time. Somehow we are eventually able to get him to take a sippy cup since he will auto suck and that calms him down. It does take a few tries though, he sometimes gags a bit from the start. After he's done, we put him back down to bed, sleeping the entire time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Congressman Against Healthcare

The rest of the day with Farrah was relatively relaxing until I started getting urgent calls from work. Tons of crazy problems, luckily Farrah was napping for the most part. The plan is she will go back to school tomorrow.

Colton on the other hand came home upset. He wouldn't leave his mommy's side without pitching a fit. Then last night around 11:00 he did his odd wake up in his sleep crying like someone was stabbing him. I fed him his bottle (sippy) while he is still sleeping and he eventually calmed down then went back to bed. The entire time his eyes are glued shut. It's almost like he's sleep crying and eating instead of "walking".

This is for my nanny who when for so long without health care while in Texas...

Sorry, just have to post this because it makes me mad to think a Christian congressman is so blind sighted here. Being I am from Canada, I know what it is like to have the national health care, live and work in the country. He is wrong, the people without health care in the US are A LOT worse off so a few can have his perceived "premium" health care he is referring too. Of course Medicare can't afford it, not when insurance, hospital, and other execs need to make millions in bonus's...sorry I meant 100 million dollar bonus'. OK enough of my health care rant for now, he was voted in for something. Although, I wish I could challenge his family and him to go without health insurance for 2 years and see how he feels about it then. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am not, something in my Christian upbringing tells me we need to take care of the sick and step out and be the Samaritan. It's our Christian duty and somehow leaving the less fortunate and sick to suffer is against everything I stand for.

Here is the exchange of notes:

Dear Dr. Burgess,

I write in support of HR 676, the Single Payer, National Health Care bill. There are numerous reasons for your co-sponsorship of this bill, especially since you are a medical doctor. As an obstetrician and gynecologist no one in the House can know better than you do the importance of prenatal care and the shameful, third world ranking of the United States in infant mortality. As a hospital administrator you better than anyone in the House know the challenges of hospital operations and care giving in an adversarial atmosphere of private insurance company profiteering on human misery.

This bill brings the United States into a better competitive position relieving the the enormous health care cost burden on American products in world markets dominated by nation states that have already done so.

A single payer system as proposed in this bill also enhances efficiency in administration since Medicare has a proven history of administrative cost superiority over private insurance with Medicare at administrative costs of about 3% where private insurance administrative cost is as high as 60%.

Then there is the simple humanitarian reason for this change. Can we as a people use any excuse to continue to allow Americans, especially children, to die because either they can't afford private insurance or the carrier they have decides not to cover their medical condition?

I appeal to your business sense, your professional experience, your Christian duty, and your humanitarian concern. Our country needs you to act now.


Jay B Swindle

From: Congressman Michael Burgess [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:24 PMTo: jbswindle@sbcglobal.netSubject: From Congressman Burgess

Dear Mr. Swindle:

Thank you for expressing your interest in H.R. 676, The United States National Health Insurance Act (or the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act). I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter.

H.R. 676 was introduced by Representative John Conyers, Jr. [D-Michigan] on January 24, 2007. The bill would establish a national health program for all Americans. The program would offer the following benefit services: (1) primary care and prevention; (2) prescription drugs; (3) emergency care; and, (4) mental health services. While I agree that more Americans need health coverage, I disagree with the approach taken by this legislation. I am an opponent of a single payer, government-run program because I do not believe that it will increase positive health outcomes. It is also worth noting that we don't yet know how to sustain the Medicare coverage that we currently have, much less a Medicare program for the nation.

Supporters of a single payer, government-run health care system often times fail to recognize or choose to ignore the problems faced by the programs in other countries. In countries that have adopted this model of care, their citizens do not have access to the most modern medical technology and the distribution of health care is far from equal. The poor, the elderly, members of minority groups and residents of rural areas are the special victims of national health insurance programs.
As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, I am working hard to initiate market driven reforms to the health care system that will decrease the uninsured, lower the cost of health insurance and medical services, and provide consumers with the tools to make rational decisions about their health care needs.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate having the opportunity to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please feel free to visit my website ( or contact me with any future concerns.
Sincerely,Michael C. Burgess, M.D.Member of Congress

Farrah's Sick Today

Today as I was driving to work I received a call from Farrah's day care. She was running a fever so we drove back home and I picked her up from school. She does not look sick at all, but I heard from one of the mom's a strange high fever is going around with no other symptoms. She said it will last about 2 days then go away. So today, Farrah and I are spending the day together. So far she has watched "Mickey Mouse" reruns and finger painted.

I think we will run to the post office later today, I am long overdue to send out some surprise gifts to people I know. Usually these are clothes I have been donated to from other families. I have a pile to sort and mail. Thankfully my husband is being patient with the mess of donations since he is hard core anti-clutter. My daughter was excited to help in spite of her odd fever.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ist Day, Goodwill Industries

Today I took my daughter and we had a blast at Goodwill. I went to look for pants for myself and for her, but we ended up buying a ton of other fun items. (One pair of pants for me.) I did splurge and bought myself a new purse. This is unlike me, I use the same purse everyday until it's warn out or my husband buys me a new one. Today somehow in my head I justified it because the money goes to a good cause. For those of you who haven't been, I strongly encourage you to not only donate but to shop at the Goodwill. You are not only recycling (being good to the earth God has given you) but the Goodwill does a ton of good things for society as a whole. You can google them and read about it yourself. It's WIN WIN for a Christian. Also, there is nothing more exciting then using those hunting and/or gathering instincts for hours on end looking for hidden treasures. So today, there were a few treasures, including a new pair of $150 work shoes which I purchased for $3.00. About a month ago, I purchased a pair of shoes for $3.00 that would retail new for $300 in almost mint condition. It is also important for me for my daughter to learn how to thrift shop while we connect as mother and daughter!

First Blog, for Connie

OK, I have finally decided to start a blog. I am unsure what I am going to write about on my first go but those of you who know me, know there is one thing I am passionate about.

1. Being a real Christian

Not just one that goes to church on Sunday then hides behind Capitalism as an excuse for being greedy and uncaring. Although, it is easier for me to say this, since I grew up in a country with Nationalized Health care. I grew up believing you shouldn't get rich of some one's bad health in spite of whether you are Christian or not. Health care is a right, not a privilege. This was not just part of my upbringing, but part of my society as a whole.

So for today, I suppose I need to get out some of the hurt I feel for many people here in the US. It scares me having two young children who are American, that they too may be a statistic one day...unemployed, or with limited health care like so many Americans today.

It was clear in the new testament that "Love thy neighbour" did not mean a lot of things that I am finding we all live by today. Maybe for me, this blog will be a journey of self discovery, or maybe it will turn out to be nothing.